To BUY NOW, or to NOT BUY NOW? That is the QUESTION - Ready for the ANSWER?

22 Просмотры
We are quite use to price fluctuation by now - with the COVID supply chain disruptions for GPUs having returned to a new normal in 2023.

You may have heard of the 2024 first quarter Flash Storage price increases - but are these going to turn into a problem?

What if you need to buy storage at some point in the next year, is it better to buy now or to wait?

I have an answer to this question and I would compare it to the GPU crisis from a few years back. Market instability saw prices climb and that caught us off guard. This time around I think it would be wise to grab any flash storage you may need now (USB Drive, RAM, SSDs, NVMes, SD Cards etc.). Prices are inevitably going to increase - in part due to increased supply disruption (pick any global headline and you'll see what I mean), but also the increased market instability.

One year later these items may cost a substantial amount more. One practical example - Samsung 980 or Samsung 970 Evo Plus NVMes. Black Friday Sales had them sell for ~$55 USD, right now they are listed at $110 USD locally for me. Shop smart and good luck with the hunt for affordable flash storage.

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